Manuka Honey MGO573+
Manuka Honey is a unique honey from New Zealand renowned for its special properties which include the presence of the naturally occurring compound methylglyoxal. Research continues to uncover the many attributes and benefits of Manuka Honey, especially for wound healing. The benefits of Manuka have been touted in the natural health world for a long time and even more in recent years because a growing body of research is starting to support thousands of years of folk medicine use.
Manuka Honey MGO573+ is certified to contain at least 573mg/kg of methylglyoxal. Scientific evidence has confirmed methylglyoxal as one of the key compounds naturally occurring in New Zealand Manuka honey. Methylglyoxal is only found in significant quantities in some Manuka honey and levels can vary greatly, so testing and certification of each batch is important to guarantee methylglyoxal content. Every batch of MGO™ Manuka Honey is tested and certified for guaranteed quality and methylglyoxal content as indicated on the label.
Sustainably sourced from beehives in remote and pristine areas of New Zealand, with full traceability from beekeeper to shelf.
Recommended Usage:
To experience the most benefit, you should take a dose of about 1-2 tablespoons of Manuka Honey a day. The easiest way is to just take it straight, but if it is a little too sweet for you, then you can add it to your favourite herbal tea, over yogurt, or on sprouted grain toast.
If you want to enhance the immune boosting effect or heal a sore throat, add 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Research shows that the antimicrobial properties of cinnamon and Manuka honey are so powerful, that they can really help you recover fast!
Possible Benefits of using Manuka Honey:
Regular raw honey is already known for its tremendous nutritional and immune boosting abilities. Yet with Manuka honey, the nutritional content is up to 4 times that of normal flower honeys. This is what is called the Unique Manuka Factor.
SIBO, Low Stomach Acid, Acid Reflux, Acne and Eczema, Staph Infections (MRSA), Burns, Wounds & Ulcers, Tooth Decay & Gingivitis, IBS and IBD, Sore Throats and Immunity, Allergies and Sinusitis, Beauty Treatment & Health Booster, Improves Sleep.
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More Information:
If you require more information please use the Contact Us page or call us on 02 9881 5667.
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